Svaneti tour

Premium & Incredible Tour Packages with Hotel Stays!

Svaneti tour in paradise

Price for one tour per person

tour features

Tour Duration: 5 Days

Tour Location:

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Svaneti tour – the crown of Caucasus – the most mysterious and magnificent part of Georgia. As it is told – if you haven’t seen Svaneti – then you haven’t seen Georgia. It is not enough only to see Svaneti, one has to feel it, and if tourists feel it, then never will forget it. Our goal is to show the best and most important places of Svaneti in a short period, to make tourists feel it and love it as we do. This is the only tour in Svaneti, during which you will explore the local rich culture, hike to enjoy wild nature, and learn local folklore and cuisine.


  • Mestia
  • Ushguli
  • Becho
  • Latali

tourists reviews

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